Upcoming Events

SCORE Orlando Spring BizFest: Stairway to Entrepreneurial Success
REGISTER ONLINE: htps://www.score.org/orlando/event/spring-bizfest-2025t
Join wonderful speaker Dawn Sipley as she dives into a topic related to the Stairway to Entrepreneurial Success. This event will feature three panel discussions; including a Strong Foundation, Growing Your Business Through Digital Resources, and Expanding Your Business.
The day will also include the opportunity for you to network, listen to a keynote speaker talk on work-life balance, learn about several National Entrepreneurship Center (NEC) resources, and participate in business speed counseling.

Fellowship Friday (Host) with Central Florida Christian Chamber of Commerce
REGISTER ONLINE: https://business.cfchristianchamber.com/chamber-calendar/Details/fellowship-friday-hosted-by-sipley-the-best-1288589?sourceTypeId=Hub
Join wonderful speaker Dawn Sipley for a morning of networking, prayer, fellowship, and community building at the Central FL Christian Chamber of Commerce’s Fellowship Friday meeting located at our Sipley the Best office in Sanford. Email dawn@sipleythebest.com for directions and how to join as her guest!
Source: https://business.cfchristianchamber.com/chamber-calendar/Details/fellowship-friday-hosted-by-sipley-the-best-1288589?sourceTypeId=Hub

HR Webinar Series: Common Pitfalls of Hiring
Learn how to be known as the best employer in town!
Whether it's reputation management, overly cumbersome application processes, poorly written job descriptions or treating an interview as some type of interrogation there are MANY ways that employers can lose the interest of the most qualified and most professional candidates.
During our time together, we will outline the many reasons that candidates have declined job offers because of something that happened before, during or after the hiring process. The most important decisions made in business are around WHO is hired for WHAT job.

April CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair and network with dozens of actively hiring companies in central FL. Say hi to Sipley the Best at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have available and speak with our team.
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

May CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair and network with dozens of actively hiring companies in central FL. Say hi to Sipley the Best at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have available and speak with our team.
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

HR Webinar Series: Keeping the Human in Human Resources
CEOs, directors, managers, and HR professionals the world around are looking for ways to support well-being among employees. With the rise of artificial intelligence and its impact across industries, the workforce is shifting quickly, and career climbers are left feeling frightened about job stability and uncertain about how these changes will reinvent the way they work.
At this webinar, we'll talk about strategies you as a business owner can take to foster a human-centric workforce, prioritizing connection and engagement among your teams, while leveraging the best that AI and technology have to offer for your business. You'll walk away with ideas on integrating tech into your workflows, and pointers on how to assuage your employees' fears of a robot revolution!

HR Webinar Series: Unique Recruitment Strategies
During our time together, we will detail and connect you directly with Florida-based resources to change the way you recruit talent! Through maximizing educational and nonprofit partnerships, second chance employment opportunities, government collaborations, social media marketing, recruiting of individuals with disabilities, and using personality testing, you'll learn a plethora of unique ways to source and recruit amazing employees.

July CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair and network with dozens of actively hiring companies in central FL. Say hi to Sipley the Best at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have available and speak with our team.
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

September CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair and network with dozens of actively hiring companies in central FL. Say hi to Sipley the Best at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have available and speak with our team.
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

Fellowship Friday (Host) with Central Florida Christian Chamber of Commerce
REGISTER ONLINE: https://business.cfchristianchamber.com/chamber-calendar/Details/fellowship-friday-hosted-by-sipley-the-best-1288589?sourceTypeId=Hub
Join wonderful speaker Dawn Sipley for a morning of networking, prayer, fellowship, and community building at the Central FL Christian Chamber of Commerce’s Fellowship Friday meeting located at our Sipley the Best office in Sanford. Email dawn@sipleythebest.com for directions and how to join as her guest!
Source: https://business.cfchristianchamber.com/chamber-calendar/Details/fellowship-friday-hosted-by-sipley-the-best-1288589?sourceTypeId=Hub

October CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair and network with dozens of actively hiring companies in central FL. Say hi to Sipley the Best at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have available and speak with our team.
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

March CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair and network with dozens of actively hiring companies in central FL. Say hi to Sipley the Best at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have available and speak with our team.
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

HR Webinar Series: Offers and Salaries - How to know if you are paying fairly
Is your pay legal? Is it competitive? Is Your pay fair? We'll be talking all about the moolah at this workshop - bring your burning questions about money and how to build a competitive offering to attract quality candidates.
Dawn will cover:
*Fair pay based on theories of human psychology, justice, and equity
*Legal matters including federal, state, and local law governing fair pay in different industries
*Competitive offers and the effects of compensation, benefits, and job structure on enticing your ideal candidate.
*And more!

HR Webinar Series: Hire What You Hate & the Solopreneurs Guide to Their 1st Hire
Join us today to learn how to make your next hire decision. You will walk away with clarity around the cost and process of your next BEST hire.

January CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair and network with dozens of actively hiring companies in central FL. Say hi to Sipley the Best at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have available and speak with our team.
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

HR Webinar Series: Best Interview Questions & the Psychology of Why
You’ve put out the job ad, sifted through the resumes, called candidates, and scheduled interviews. In this workshop, we’ll review best practices for a great interview, plus examples of great (and not so great) interviews that the presenter has held! You’ll walk away with a foundation to create an efficient and effective interview process.

Success Secrets: Strategies from UCF Alumni Employers
Attention all jobseekers! Come join the webinar Success Secrets: Strategies from UCF Alumni Employers hosted by UCF Alumni Employers Professional Engagement and Young Alumni, including our wonderful speaker Dawn Sipley. Dawn and others will share insider tips on standing out as a candidate, advancing your career and thriving in today’s job market.
Whether launching your career or looking to grow, this webinar offers the guidance you need to take the next step confidently.
Event: Success Secrets: Strategies from UCF Alumni Employers
Date: January 15th, 6:00-7:00 PM (EST)
Register here at https://foundation.ucf.edu/SuccessSecrets

How to Write an Employee Handbook with the Lord at the Helm
We're looking forward to hosting a workshop on Tuesday, December 3rd, 12:00-1:30 PM (In-Person OR online) where Dawn will be discussing how to write an employee handbook that puts godly values at the center of the workplace
Whether you are making your first hire, formalizing your onboarding process and employee experience, or updating your existing handbook, this session will provide a comprehensive review of everything an employee handbook should have - plus, guidance on how to publicize your company's faith and beliefs, naturally drawing applicants who align with your Christ-centric mission, values, and vision.
All attendees will walk away with a beautiful copy of an employee handbook template, and directions on how to fully customize it for your company's needs. We'll provide a companion guide on how to continue updating it after you leave the workshop.
Bring your laptop: we'll get you started writing the handbook of your dreams ASAP!

November CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair, and say hi to us at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have that you’d best fit with!
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

Unique Recruitment Strategies
During our time together, we will detail and connect you directly with Florida-based resources to change the way you recruit talent! Through maximizing educational and nonprofit partnerships, second chance employment opportunities, government collaborations, social media marketing, recruiting of individuals with disabilities, and using personality testing, you'll learn a plethora of unique ways to source and recruit amazing employees.
Register here: https://www.score.org/jacksonville/event/unique-recruitment-strategies

Hire What You Hate: The Solopreneur’s Guide to Their First Hire
Solopreneurs, you're expected to be everything: sell the business, run the business, manage the cash flow and financial security of the business, manage the employees, and look out for the company's future growth and opportunities. It's multiple full-time jobs for one person! If you're ready to bring on a new hire to help, you might think you need to find someone like you - someone who will get the job done as well as if you "did it yourself." That makes sense on the surface, but in this workshop, we'll dive deep into why you should hire what you hate, as you look for a complement, not a duplicate, of yourself to be your right hand.

September CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair, and say hi to us at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have that you’d best fit with!
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

Disrupt HR Orlando - Impact of Parentification at Work
Join Dawn and other business leaders who are ready to revolutionize the working world with insights that disrupt our corporate status quo. Register at Eventbrite for Disrupt HR Orlando's evening of networking, refreshments, and rapid-fire 5-minute presentations from business leaders.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/disrupthr-orlando-170-tickets-950936485627?aff=oddtdtcreator
And learn more about Disrupt HR here: https://disrupthr.co/city/orlando/

Common Pitfalls of Hiring
Register HERE for this free webinar!
Can't make it? If you register and drop us a line that you can't come, we'll share the presentation with you. Contact us at Dawn@sipleythebest.com.
About the webinar:
Learn how to be known as The Best Employer in town!
Whether it's reputation management, overly cumbersome application processes, poorly written job descriptions or treating an interview as some type of interrogation there are MANY ways that employers can lose the interest of the most qualified and most professional candidates.
During our time together, we will outline the MANY reasons that candidates have DECLINED JOB OFFERS because of something that happened before, during or after the Hiring Process. The most important decisions made in business are around WHO is hired or WHAT job.

Best Interview Questions and the Psychology of Why
Join Dawn as she speaks for SCORE, a nonprofit alliance of business consultants and innovative entrepreneurs. This workshop will cover the best interview questions to break the ice with your interviewee and get to the heart of the interview: are you and the candidate a good match in terms of their career goals, and your company's needs?

July CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair, and say hi to us at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have that you’d best fit with!
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

May CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair, and say hi to us at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have that you’d best fit with!
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

Second Chance Job Fair - hosted by CareerSource Central FL
We will be attending the Second Chance Job Fair on Wednesday, April 24th! This is a great opportunity for candidates re-entering the job market. As a hiring employer did you know you are eligible for the Federal Bond Program and Work Opportunity Tax Credit?
Register for the fair here: https://careersourcecf.workflowcloud.com/forms/577585fc-68db-4320-9e03-6111c12f3c56
Want us to represent your company? Send us your job opportunities to Dawn@sipleythebest.com and we'll connect you with qualified job seekers.

Seminole County Public Schools Career Fair - Pathways
Sipley the Best will be attending the SCPS Career Fair on April 23, 2024. The fair connects local employers with fresh talent from the Seminole County's high schools. Juniors and seniors eager to launch their career and gain professional experience will be attending this event to meet employers and learn about opportunities for growth within a variety of industries.
Send us your job descriptions and info about your company. We'll put together a flyer of student-friendly opportunities and connect you with students at this event.
100% FREE OF CHARGE for you - thank you for investing in our next generation of the workforce!
Register here: https://forms.gle/PZFdpDU7opmj4jSL6

Keiser University Career Expo 2024
Job seekers, join us at Keiser University's annual career expo on Wednesday, April 17th, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM!

Seminole State College - Altamonte Springs Campus Career Fair
Join us on Tuesday, April 9th, at the Altamonte Springs Campus of Seminole State College! Dozens of employers, including Sipley the Best, will be hiring for part-time, full-time, temporary roles, and internships! Advent Health, Center of Exercise and Recovery, Alorica, Charter Research, the City of Altamonte, Devereux, Orlando Health, US Border Patrol, UCP, and Leopardo Construction are just a few of the other employers registered. The fair is free for job seekers. Come with your resume and an eagerness to learn about the opportunities in your community!

AI in HR: Keeping the “Human” in Human Resources
CEOs, directors, managers, and HR professionals the world around are looking for ways to support well-being and feelings of connection among employees. On March 28th, Dawn will be speaking at SCORE's "Coffee with a Leader" chat on strategies to keep the "human" in human resources. With technology, AI, and rapidly-changing policies threatening the community and communication that keep teams engaged at work, join us for an authentic discussion about fostering employee engagement and commitment!

March CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair, and say hi to us at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have that you’d best fit with!
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

Onboarding vs. Orientation Webinar
One of the greatest problems that businesses face is integrating new talent into their existing teams. No matter how skilled, talented, and experienced your new hires are, without clarity around the tasks assigned, duties required, and team members available, you set yourself up for losing your new employees in the confusion and discomfort of acclimating to your company. Turnover is highest in the first 90 days of employment, so today we'll discuss how to create robust orientation and onboarding programs that help you avoid losing the best employees in those first 3 months on the job.

National Networking Night at UCF
🗓️ Mark your calendars for March 7, 6:30 pm! We're hosting the Third National Networking Night, and we want YOU there. This event at the Fairwinds Alumni Center will bring together eleven alumni communities from around the country, both face-to-face and virtually! Free headshots, food and beverages, and access to a panel of talented alumni career coaches (Dawn included) are included with your ticket!
Alum-Knights, pick up your FREE tickets here! https://foundation.ucf.edu/NationalNetworkingKnight
#NetworkingNight #March7 #UCFAlumni

Offers and Salaries: How to know if you are paying fairly
Whether you are making your first hire, or assessing if your employee’s salary is competitive, you may wonder whether the compensation, benefits, and non-monetary incentives of your roles are attracting the right talent. In this workshop, we’ll dive into proper classification of employees, paying competitively for your geographic region, and employee perception of fairness based on pay equity theories. You’ll leave this session with tools to avoid legal quagmires and know how to create an attractive compensation and benefits package that retains talented team members.

Action Church Job Fair
Sipley the Best and 20+ employers will be tabling to share their available opportunities for employment! Hosted by the Action Church in Sanford, this is a wonderful opportunity for employers and job seekers to meet face-to-face. Join us - you may find your dream job waiting for you!

Good Morning Seminole
Join us on Thursday, February 1st (7:30 am-9:00 am) at Good Morning Seminole for a panel discussion on employing Central Florida! Dawn as well as three other speakers will answer questions about training a skilled workforce to boost the health of our workforce.
The amazing speakers include:•Shaheen Barrett, senior manager - HR business partner, Verizon•Carol Ann Logue, director, programs & operations, Innovation Districts & Incubation Program, University of Central Florida•Dawn Sipley, president, Sipley The Best•Nilda Blanco, senior vice president of workforce operations, CareerSource Central Florida
Register at the QR code or at the link here: https://business.seminolebusiness.org/events/register/33352

January CFEC Job Fair
Job Seeking? Come to the job fair, and say hi to us at our octopus table! You can see what job openings we have that you’d best fit with!
Hiring? We have the perfect service for you! Allow us to go to the job fair on your behalf with your current job openings. We’ll screen people and send you pre-screened resumes for fast hires! Just email Dawn@sipleythebest.com the jobs you need to be filled!

Interviewing Pitfall and Best Practices: The Psychology Behind Interviewing Tact
You’ve put out the job ad, sifted through the resumes, called candidates, and scheduled interviews. In this workshop, we’ll review best practices for a great interview, plus examples of great (and not so great) interviews that the presenter has held! You’ll walk away with a foundation to create an efficient and effective interview process.

How to Hire Without Job Boards
Job boards are just one way to source great candidates. Whether you want to diversify your sourcing methods beyond job boards, or want to avoid boards altogether, we present some alternatives to using the traditional job posting.