3 Steps to Take While Job Hunting

Take Action!
You are creating your future!

More often than not, when I ask an unemployed person to share with me what their job-seeking process looks like, they tell me what job boards their resume is posted on. I usually follow up on that response by asking, “But what you have you been doing?

Sadly, many folks are clueless about the steps after the creation of a resume and posting it on a job board. By the way, there are many job boards, not just Indeed. Employers will have their preference or budget for just one or two, so it's good to diversify where your resume hangs out on the web.

So, what are some things you could be DOING for your job search?

1. Dialing for dollars! That's right, when you are unemployed, you need to pick up the phone. This is a great time to see how old college friends are doing, past coworkers, old customers, etc. You want to be top of mind in people's heads. Don't let your job search be top secret.

2. Get out of the house... yes, even in a pandemic. There are many safe ways to meet people face to face. Strike up conversations with folks you don't know. We live in a small world and you never know who you may run across who could make an introduction for you. I once met a very high-profile CEO in Starbucks after making a joke about him longingly gazing at the pastries in the glass case. Before you know it, he was asking me to come by his office.

3. Be a stalker! During a time of unemployment, lurk in the shadows. No, not in person, but follow companies on social media. Comment, like, and connect with companies and individuals you have researched and targeted as a potential employer. By the time you get to the interview, more than one person in the company should recognize your name. This is also a great way to find out about the culture, trends, and even job opportunities that are NOT posted to the public. Get that insider information; remember info is power!

These are just 3 easy tips that only scratch the service of activities you could be doing as a job seeker.

You don’t have to do this alone! I love helping folks with resumes, especially through Career Coaching, to keep you organized, motivated, and taking action for your future!

If you are feeling lost as to how to get started, give us a call at 407-383-2411 or email today at dawn@sipleythebest.com!


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