Staying Productive, Sane, and Happy During the Holidays

7 Tips for Productivity During the Holiday Season

Maybe you’re a job seeker; maybe you’re currently employed; and maybe you’re both! In any case, managing your work commitments, deadlines, job search, family and friend get-togethers, and holiday celebrations might have you spinning with business. Check out our 7 productivity tips for staying on top of it all so you can relax and enjoy the holidays!

  1. Find and stick with a system that works for you. It doesn’t matter if you use a paper planner, a Google calendar, a Kanban board, or emails sent to yourself. Whatever system you use, embrace it with consistency.

  2. But, do write it down. We like the proverb that the “faintest ink is stronger than the greatest memory.”

  3. Pair up with an accountability partner. Setting goals for yourself, like to host a family get together or go on a road trip with friends, become easier when you have an accountability partner to check in with you as you break it down. A friend, family member, or even a friendly coworker who you keep updated on your plans can motivate you to keep the momentum going.

  4. Manage your time wisely. Time is the one thing you can never get back! Some people like the Pomodoro technique, where you set a timer for 25 minutes of focus and give yourself a 5 minute break. Or, blocking out time on a calendar app helps others visualize where their time is spent.

  5. Remember that done is better than perfect. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the prospect of a large project, so starting with baby steps helps you get momentum going and gives you the early satisfaction of checking things off your to-do list.

  6. Understand your work style. Do you do your best work alone or in groups? Do you prefer a quiet environment, or does working in a coffee shop or other co-working area boost your productivity? Know where you do your best work and what environments are best suited for different tasks.

  7. Reward yourself! Consequences reinforce behavior and after you complete something tough, necessary, and otherwise unpleasant, reward yourself with an activity that you enjoy, like going out with friends or watching a favorite movie.

Quote of the Week

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into smaller manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” –Mark Twain, American Humorist, and Author

We're taking inspiration from this quote. It applies to starting your job search AND figuring out how to pull off that huge holiday get-together.


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Home for the Holidays: Navigating Productivity for Your Remote Team 🧑‍🎄